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International Day of Yoga - 2024 Mega Event At Jaffna Cultural Center


Consulate General of India
Press Release

International Day of Yoga 2024- Mega Event at Jaffna Cultural Centre Jaffna, 21 June 2024
  1. 1. The Consulate General of India in Jaffna celebrated the International Day of Yoga 2024 with a mega event at the Jaffna Cultural Centre on 21 June from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. The event saw participation from several distinguished guests, including Consul General Shri Sai Murali, C. V. Sivagnanam, Chairman, Northern Provincial Council, Patrick Diranjan, Secretary, Ministry of Education, M. Jegu, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Services & Ministry of Health, Dr. T. Sathiyamoorthy, Director, Jaffna Teaching Hospital, S. Krishnenthiran, Municipal Commissioner, Jaffna Municipal Council, T. Jeyakandeepan, President, Jaffna College of Education, T. Inkaran, Managing Director, Distributor for Litro Gas, Jaffna among other Officers/Officials from the Consulate.
  3. 2. Consul General Shri Sai Murali inaugurated the event with a warm welcome to all participants. In his address, he emphasized the ancient origins of Yoga in India, highlighting its significance as a holistic practice that unites the heart, body, and soul. He noted the universality of Yoga, which transcends boundaries and is crucial in modern life where stress is prevalent. He also introduced this year’s theme, "Yoga for Self and Society," and stressed the importance of building a healthy and prosperous society through Yoga.
  5. 3. The event was attended by over 1200 participants, including Yoga enthusiasts, students, Yoga practitioners, and the general public. The Consulate distributed T-shirts, caps, and certificates of appreciation to the participants. During the session, participants followed the Yoga asanas demonstrated by Umasuthen, the Consulate’s Yoga instructor.
  7. 4. The International Day of Yoga 2024 celebrated on 21 June at the Jaffna Cultural Centre was a grand success and showcased the overwhelming interest and commitment to Yoga for personal and societal well-being among the people of Northern Province. This event in Jaffna marks the culmination of over 20 events of different scales conducted across the five districts of the Northern Province, in the run up to the final mega event.
  9. A few representative photographs are enclosed.


21st June 2024

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